The GMO Controversy is so full of polarizing viewpoints, distorted facts (both intentional and accidental), and at times just crazy banter, that you absolutely must appreciate moments like this video. Not only is it crystal clear just how ridiculously out of control a propaganda machine can run, but it’s also a laugh-out-loud moment. I don’t care if you’re pro, anti, or just in the middle on the GMO controversy… good luck watching this clip and not laughing.
Now unfortunately, as part of our preliminary research several months ago, I do remember hearing a lot of concern for Argentina, particularly because farmers were abusing roundup, paying little attention to best practices for herbicide application. I haven’t delved into the whole glyphosate = probable carcinogen headline that was thrust into the news recently by the World Health Organization, but even without that hypothesis, you can’t forget that Roundup is more than glyhposate. No one should ever be telling you that Roundup itself (more than glyphosate) is safe to drink, and American farmers take great care in applying this herbicide as conservatively as possible. It ain’t free folks, so it’s in both the farmer’s, and the eventual consumer’s of the food, best interest to use just enough herbicide.
That said, this video puts Argentina right in our research crosshairs for part of the documentary, so don’t be surprised to see this GMO Controversy Blog entry somehow find it’s way over to a GMO QUESTIONS entry at some point later in 2015. In the meantime, please… don’t drink the stuff. Seriously.