What is the #1 way you can help us uncover the truth about the GMOs in our food supply?
Absolutely, positively, hands down the best way you can help is to scroll down on this page and subscribe to the project, to show us your support.
All subscriptions go directly to our online content creation and audience outreach, or to film production — that’s it. 100% of your subscription directly helps us research, create the blog/podcast/film content, and get the word out. Period.
Sign up below today and watch your donation at work here at walkamileproject.com anytime, knowing that you helped make that happen!

Subscription Options
PLEASE NOTE: Our GMO CONTROVERSY DOCUMENTARY is on hold until 2025, while we wrap up a different film. Although subscriptions are still open, we will not be sending updates on this project until sometime in 2025.
All Subscription options include the following:
+ Your own Subscriber Content Hub
+ Early Access to all GMO TRUTH Podcasts
+ A Quarterly Video Update on The Walk a Mile Project — get the inside scoop on all things Walk a Mile, straight from Eric Battersby.
+ Subscriber-Exclusive Video Clips
+ Early Access + Quick Links to all PDF Downloads
+ Access to the private Walk a Mile Project Facebook Group (Date TBD)
+ A big sense of accomplishment and our heartfelt thanks, because your subscription directly helps us create content and produce the GMO Controversy Documentary!
+ Automatically receive any new perks we add over time
Monthly Donor Subscription:
$4.97 / month
+ 100% access to The Walk a Mile Project, which includes subscriber-exclusive online bonus content
+ Keep your subscription active for 12 months consecutively and also eceive a DVD, Blu-ray, or Digital Download of whichever Walk a Mile Project film (phase) was underway when your subscription started
Annual Donor Subscription:
$47 / year
+ 100% access to The Walk a Mile Project, which includes subscriber-exclusive online bonus content
+ DVD, Blu-ray, or Digital Download of whichever Walk a Mile Project film (phase) was underway when your subscription started
Lifetime Donor Subscription: $497
+ 100% access to The Walk a Mile Project, which includes subscriber-exclusive online bonus content
+ DVD, Blu-ray, or Digital Download for ALL Walk a Mile Project phases! Receive each feature length film as it is completed – for the entire project!
+ Also includes a Mini Movie Poster for the first feature length film within your subscription
+ Walk a Mile Project t-shirt and coffee mug
The Walk a Mile Project
T-Shirt: $19.97
+ 100% access to The Walk a Mile Project, which includes subscriber-exclusive online bonus content
+ Finally! A t-shirt for charity that’s also comfortable!!
+ Printed on Next Level Apparel’s ultra-soft 100% Cotton, it’s a shirt you will actually want to wear, not use for sandpaper!
+ T-shirt designed by JayArr Customs, with logo by Penny Christou
NOTE: All subscription donations are tax-deductible — Change The World Films is a 501(c)3 approved organization.