I’ll be talking Monsanto DDT here in a minute, but before I before I do… one last note about Agent Orange. Yes, there was most definitely Monsanto behaving badly with Agent Orange, but now we’ve got people screaming across the alternative media that Agent Orange is back, and in the form of the new Enlist Duo pesticide mixture, which is to be used for some GMO crops. Now the mixture is actually two herbicides, one is Monsanto’s glyphosate, and the other, 2,4-D, has been in use for a long time.
Agent Orange Returns?
And look I’m not telling you it’s good for you, I don’t know much about it (I’ve read in some places that it’s still a source of dioxin, although a much lesser source if so)… But what I do know is that a bunch of irresponsible people in alternative media are calling this Agent Orange pesticide, because if you remember, 2,4-D herbicide is half the equation in Agent Orange. Well you may also remember that it wasn’t the PROBLEM in Agent Orange. The other pesticide they used, the 2,4,5-T, is what resulted in the TCDD dioxin contaminant – the worst dioxin there is.
These two things aren’t related,however, as 2,4-D has been around for decades and no one was calling it Agent Orange by itself. In fact, it was also used in Vietnam in Agent White. Again, not saying anyone should drink the stuff or that it is or isn’t toxic. But what it definitely is NOT, is the TCDD contaminated Agent Orange.
The problem here – if you’re concerned about GMOs and then likely Enlist Duo just by proxy – is that there are people screaming their heads off that we’re throwing Agent Orange into our food supply. To get to the truth about GMOs, we absolutely cannot afford to start over-dramatizing or to start making things up. You wind up with the same old noise – you’ve got two sides simply focused on their own agendas, and they both sit there with arguments that can be shot full of holes, usually because of one or two reasons:
1. The arguments are designed to manipulate people to one side, instead of getting to the truth.
2. People are so adamant about one side vs. the other that they hear or read something they think fits in with their side of the argument, and then then they just assume, simply because it fits in with their side, that it’s gotta be true.
But they don’t bother to research what they’ve heard to see if it actually IS true. And that’s called being part of the problem, not the solution. It’s the exact opposite of what we do here at The Walk a Mile Project.
I just needed to talk about that for a minute because it’s amazing to me how much misinformation there is out there on this, and it’s my job and really it’s all of you supporting us as well… it’s all of our jobs, to start questioning the quick tidbits we hear and to start holding people and news outlets accountable for telling the truth.
Now I know no one’s perfect, I’m sure we’ll get some things wrong too, but there’s a big difference between getting a little fact wrong, and just spewing massive amounts of overly-dramatic “news” out into the ether… those are two completely different things…
OK, point taken I’m sure… that’s just something I think we all really need to get passionate about and rally against, because that kind of noise hurts the cause, when the cause is simply discovering the truth.