Monsanto GMO – What’s Our Trust Level for the GMO Pioneers?

Well here it is... the very first moment of truth. There is a segment of the world right now that thinks we have absolutely nothing to see here... that all this talk about any potential dangers of GMO crops is just a bunch of drama.

Monsanto DDT and Why Enlist Duo is NOT Agent Orange

I'll be talking Monsanto DDT here in a minute, but before I before I do... one last note about Agent Orange. Yes, there was most definitely Monsanto behaving badly with Agent Orange, but now we've got people screaming across the alternative media that Agent Orange is back, and in the form of the new Enlist Duo pesticide mixture, which is to be used for some GMO crops...

Monsanto Agent Orange – Another Monsanto Controversy

Last week we went deep down the rabbit hole looking into Monsanto's PCBs past. It was a dark journey, and although we don't need to go quite as deep this time, we're still hitting those dark tunnels, especially if you...

In Monsanto We Trust?  GMO TRUTH PODCAST #3

In the latest episode of the GMO TRUTH, you'll learn about Agent Orange and Monsanto's involvement, a little on the DDT controversy, and you'll discover the truth about a Agent Orange-GMO connection being talked about by some alternative media alarmists. At the very end, you'll learn our very first GMO Truth...

Monsanto Lawsuits – Monsanto Anniston Trial Takes Its Toll

Yesterday we left off in 1966, with Mississippi State's Professor of Zoology asking the following key question to Monsanto: “Can your people tell us what is going into Snow Creek?" Thankfully 1966 was a big year for people finally starting to ask questions...

Monsanto Controversy – PCBs in Water

As you'll start to notice pretty quickly, you can't talk much about GMOs without also talking about Monsanto. And you've very likely heard some negative press on Monsanto, as they've received their fair share of it over the past few decades...

Why Do We Need to Dig Deeper into GMOs?

Answering this question actually takes us way past our preliminary research and down a rabbit hole that is not a fun place to go, so be warned. There will be a lot of key facts and information thrown your way during this sequence, and it's all just to soundly answer that big WHY question...

GMOs — Why We Need to Dig Deeper — GMO TRUTH PODCAST #2

For the GMO TRUTH PODCAST #2, I talk about an accidental encounter with a "conventional" farmer who grows a GMO crop, and then dive deeply into why we chose the GMO Situation as our first phase and film for The Walk a Mile Project. If you're not familiar with Monsanto and PCBs, you will be after you take a listen...
