The First GMO Truth
Well here it is… the very first moment of truth.
There is a segment of the world right now that thinks we have absolutely nothing to see here… that all this talk about any potential dangers of GMO crops is just a bunch of drama.
But here’s the thing: Monsanto is the godfather of GMOs, and they have by no stretch of the imagination earned a free pass from what they did before. This right here is where, for all of you following The Walk a Mile Project, it’s the first place where you can step in and make a big difference.
Anytime this is relevant in a conversation, it’s your time to speak up. That’s how we spread the truth, you and me and all of us, it’s our responsibility – this is what The Walk a Mile Project is all about, it’s about empowering each one of us, and arming us with the truth.
Why Dig Deeper?
And here’s what that truth is for our first sequence here, for the #whydigdeeper sequence. The truth is:
Monsanto started GMOs. GMOs are yet another product that Monsanto’s managed to get into the world nearly everywhere. So we know that, from a prevalence standpoint, like some of their previous products we just went over, they’ve done it again. They’ve introduced something that is pretty close to everywhere.
And when you look diligently at Monsanto’s past behavior… which includes everything from lying, to hiding important information that could’ve saved lives, to falsifying data in scientific studies that affected court actions, to just sheer negligence – look the company’s past can be summed up in one word:
So for The Walk a Mile Project, in this early stage of our GMO Controversy work, I’m not saying anything about GMOs being good or bad, it’s not the time. I hear a bunch of people yelling on both sides, and what matters here is that, regardless of what side you’re on right now, we absolutely, positively cannot afford to sit back without digging deeper to make sure we know the real answer here. Is this stuff good or bad? Will it be like PCBs all over again?