GMO TRUTH #13 features three very courageous people who show firsthand the negative impact of GMOs in our food supply. If you're wondering if GMO foods can cause serious health problems, this podcast will answer that question for you...
ContinuePart two delivers the conclusion to our exclusive investigation into the the EPA's 1991 re-classification of glyphosate as a Group E, non-carcinogenic substance.
ContinueIn 1991, the EPA re-classified glyphosate as a Group E, non-carcinogenic substance. We spoke with two different EPA employees involved in that decision, including one who did not concur, all in an effort to find the GMO truth...
ContinueMonsanto is building a greenhouse facility in Pima County, AZ, on land just north of Tucson. In this podcast, you'll see a very rare occurrence -- Monsanto on camera in a documentary. Don't miss GMO TRUTH #10!
ContinueIt’s been a crazy 2016 here, easily the hardest year of my life with the loss of loved ones, including one person largely responsible for the path I’m on here at
ContinueIn a few days here at The Walk a Mile Project,we will wrap up our 2nd GMO Investigation sequence, focused on GMO labeling in the USA. Today, however, it’s time
ContinueIn part two of our investigation into GMO Labeling, we're shifting away from labeling cost questions, and instead looking at big picture economics, particularly focusing on how America's free market has affected the GMO controversy. Let me give you a hint right up front here... it hasn't.
ContinueIn this two-part investigative post, we'll wrap up our investigation into one of the key sequences we launched last year, answering the important question – “Do American citizens deserve the right to know if there are genetically modified organisms in their food?”
ContinueIn GMO TRUTH Podcast #9, we wrap up another investigative sequence by answering the big GMO labels question in detail - "Should there be GMO labeling in the United States?"
Continue"Farmers have genetically modified food for centuries." That's a statement the House of Representatives Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) made near the beginning of a key hearing on...
ContinueHR 1599, instead of creating a labeling standard that works more hand-in-hand with the laws 3 states have already passed, essentially stomps on them like King Kong stepping on a gumball.
ContinueOne year ago, we launched The Walk a Mile Project, and for our one year encore, today we are launching the GMO Controversy Blog here at We initially started
Continue— Part 1 of a 2-part investigation — When I started this investigative sequence (#RightToKnow?) earlier this year, legislation was already on the table courtesy of Kansas Representative Mike Pompeo…
ContinueThe US House of Representatives passed HR 1599, "The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015", on July 23, 2015. Opponents nicknamed the legislation the DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know), because the act was written to prevent 3 already-passed state...
ContinueAs I sat down to watch hearing 1 of 2 in the House of Representatives for the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, I felt hopeful that I'd witness a solid display of our elected officials searching for answers on an issue that's been a hot button in states across the country for a few...
ContinueIt seems a little much to think that the EPA would be duped into letting a probable carcinogen slip out in such mass quantity again – that's a big part of why they were created in the first place. Unfortunately, there is reason for concern. Back in March of 1985, an EPA committee classified glyphosate as a Group C oncogen...
ContinueSince the World Health Organization stamped the “probably carcinogenic to humans” label on Monsanto's glyphosate, we've been researching extensively, trying to determine whether or not there truly is cause for concern. In this first phase of our investigation, we cover 5 Potential Problems...
ContinueBack in 1985, the EPA classified glyphosate as a Class C carcinogen, and back then the C designation meant it was considered a "possible human carcinogen." In 1991, the substance was re-classified under the E class, meaning...
ContinueI learned a little something this holiday weekend from a veteran, and I'd really like to share it with you as we all celebrate Memorial Day in the US today. On Saturday I attended the March Against Monsanto in Tempe, AZ. If you're not familiar with the event...
ContinueEven if you haven't heard of glyphosate yet, chances are you've either used it at home (it's the active ingredient in Roundup weed killer) or you've eaten food that's been grown with a little help from it – from a glyphosate-based herbicide used in Roundup ready crops (GMOs) or as pre-harvest treatment...
ContinueThanks to glyphosate hitting the news so much over the past 1.5 months, GMO Truth #6 wound up taking a completely different direction here than originally planned. Substantial Equivalence was set to be the topic, but instead glyphosate takes center stage, since it's been around since 1974 (when Monsanto first released Roundup), and was such an important component in the dawn of GMOs.
ContinueThe GMO Controversy is likely hitting another peak today as Dr. Oz airs a show specifically aimed at defending himself against some harsh critics -- particularly regarding his stance on genetically engineered food. Ten physicians recently lobbied Columbia University to sever all ties with Dr Oz. They said part of their reasoning stemmed from...
ContinueIt appears that the "Safe and Accurate Labeling Act" is H.R. 1599, which as a bill title should make anyone following the GMO Controversy from any angle laugh out loud by the way (talk about politics), has hit a bit of a snag...
ContinueSo in GMO TRUTH #5 here, after a quick intro for the first video interview of the project, I then play and discuss the "Drink a Whole Quart of It" video, referring to glyphosate of course. Then we get into the actual interview with Canadian GMO farmer Abe Wiens (although it's important to note, only one of Abe's crops is GMO), and then close with commentary on that interview and what's up next...
ContinueThe GMO labeling debate continues to escalate, as more and more states construct their own initiatives, but at the same time, federal legislation is now on the table in the form of the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,” introduced by Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo...
ContinueThe GMO Controversy is so full of polarizing viewpoints, distorted facts (both intentional and accidental), and at times just crazy banter, that you absolutely must appreciate moments like this video. Not only is it crystal clear how just ridiculously out of control a propaganda machine can run, but it's also a laugh-out-loud moment...
ContinueWe're churning out back-to-back-to-back questions here right now with The Walk a Mile Project “Questions-Investigation-Truth” machine, and this next question relates to a pivotal term in the world of GMOs, one way or another, known as Substantial Equivalence...
ContinueGMO Labeling sits front and center this week for the House Agriculture Committee, as on Tuesday March 24th they held a hearing about the impact of GMO labeling on food prices. It's a perfect start to the GMO Controversy Blog, as it's quite easy to...
ContinueToday we're unveiling the next question for research, as originally documented on the GMO TRUTH Podcast from Monday of this week (check it out here if you'd like a preview of the 3 new sequences we're about to launch). Since we're also about to kick off our new blog designed to show both sides of the GMO controversy, I thought I'd start off this new sequence with...
ContinueThe GMO TRUTH with not one... not two... not three... OK three. The GMO Truth returns with THREE new Questions, which means we're kicking off three new sequences here at The Walk a Mile Project, all at once. The sequences themselves will pop up under GMO QUESTIONS over the next week a so, but hear them first here on The GMO Truth. You'll also learn a little about the...
ContinueDon't let the week and a half of "silence" here fool you, because we've been working like crazy putting things together for The Walk a Mile Project over the past 10 days plus. It's a quiet time for the website here, but not so much for Change The World...
ContinueWell here it is... the very first moment of truth. There is a segment of the world right now that thinks we have absolutely nothing to see here... that all this talk about any potential dangers of GMO crops is just a bunch of drama.
ContinueI'll be talking Monsanto DDT here in a minute, but before I before I do... one last note about Agent Orange. Yes, there was most definitely Monsanto behaving badly with Agent Orange, but now we've got people screaming across the alternative media that Agent Orange is back, and in the form of the new Enlist Duo pesticide mixture, which is to be used for some GMO crops...
ContinueLast week we went deep down the rabbit hole looking into Monsanto's PCBs past. It was a dark journey, and although we don't need to go quite as deep this time, we're still hitting those dark tunnels, especially if you...
ContinueIn the latest episode of the GMO TRUTH, you'll learn about Agent Orange and Monsanto's involvement, a little on the DDT controversy, and you'll discover the truth about a Agent Orange-GMO connection being talked about by some alternative media alarmists. At the very end, you'll learn our very first GMO Truth...
ContinueNeeded a little extra time this week to get The GMO TRUTH Podcast #3 complete, and it goes live tomorrow. This short video gives you a quick project update, and if you don't feel like watching my "Monsanto Face", you can read the transcript below instead. And yes, feel free to copy my Monsanto Face...
ContinueYesterday we left off in 1966, with Mississippi State's Professor of Zoology asking the following key question to Monsanto: “Can your people tell us what is going into Snow Creek?" Thankfully 1966 was a big year for people finally starting to ask questions...
ContinueAs you'll start to notice pretty quickly, you can't talk much about GMOs without also talking about Monsanto. And you've very likely heard some negative press on Monsanto, as they've received their fair share of it over the past few decades...
ContinueAnswering this question actually takes us way past our preliminary research and down a rabbit hole that is not a fun place to go, so be warned. There will be a lot of key facts and information thrown your way during this sequence, and it's all just to soundly answer that big WHY question...
ContinueFor the GMO TRUTH PODCAST #2, I talk about an accidental encounter with a "conventional" farmer who grows a GMO crop, and then dive deeply into why we chose the GMO Situation as our first phase and film for The Walk a Mile Project. If you're not familiar with Monsanto and PCBs, you will be after you take a listen...
ContinueHere it is, the very first GMO TRUTH PODCAST. Being the first, it's a little dry to start, but stick with it and you'll hear things pick up nicely once it gets going. And I'll make sure we keep it like that going forward. Since this inaugural week is really about introducing people to the project, the whole podcast is...
ContinueTime to OFFICIALLY welcome all of you to The Walk a Mile Project! This blog post is the launch of our weekly content! Yes, I'm using exclamation points!! That's because yes, I'm excited! Alright sorry about that, calming down. The reason it's such a great feeling is that we are here to literally change the world... together, with all of you. Today I'm going to shed some light on HOW...
ContinueAlthough we're still under construction a bit here, The Walk a Mile Project Content Calendar kicks off next week! From that point forward we are off and running on Phase 1 of the project, which is "Uncovering the Truth About the GMOs in Our Food Supply". The website is nearing completion and should be running at 100% by the end of January. Even in its current state...
ContinueLiterally days after launching The Walk a Mile Project website and running our first Press Release, we received a call with a free Public Service Announcement offer to help get the word out. The spot will run outside Lambeau Field for the final four Green Bay Packers games — at the NFL’s largest tailgating experience. With a reach of around 750,000 people over the next several weeks, and right in America’s heartland no less, it’s a pretty exciting start...
ContinueWe’ll be UNDER CONSTRUCTION until our regular content launch begins on January 19, 2015, as we bring the new site fully up-to-speed. And with the big November 4th elections in Oregon and Colorado just around the corner, it figures to be a really busy few days here right from our launch!