Is Glyphosate Putting Us All At Risk?

Even if you haven't heard of glyphosate yet, chances are you've either used it at home (it's the active ingredient in Roundup weed killer) or you've eaten food that's been grown with a little help from it – from a glyphosate-based herbicide used in Roundup ready crops (GMOs) or as pre-harvest treatment...

GMO Labeling – Do Americans Deserve the Right to Know?

The GMO labeling debate continues to escalate, as more and more states construct their own initiatives, but at the same time, federal legislation is now on the table in the form of the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,” introduced by Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo...

Substantial Equivalence – Is It the BIG QUESTION in the GMO Controversy?

We're churning out back-to-back-to-back questions here right now with The Walk a Mile Project “Questions-Investigation-Truth” machine, and this next question relates to a pivotal term in the world of GMOs, one way or another, known as Substantial Equivalence...

GMO Technology: Different Than Other Crop Modifications?

Today we're unveiling the next question for research, as originally documented on the GMO TRUTH Podcast from Monday of this week (check it out here if you'd like a preview of the 3 new sequences we're about to launch). Since we're also about to kick off our new blog designed to show both sides of the GMO controversy, I thought I'd start off this new sequence with...

Why Do We Need to Dig Deeper into GMOs?

Answering this question actually takes us way past our preliminary research and down a rabbit hole that is not a fun place to go, so be warned. There will be a lot of key facts and information thrown your way during this sequence, and it's all just to soundly answer that big WHY question...
