** Click here to check out our GMO TRUTH PODCAST #2 and listen to everything in this post, plus a bunch more, including my accidental evening with a GMO farmer at a basketball game over Super Bowl weekend here in Phoenix… **
This post marks the very beginning of our journey to uncover the truth about the GMOs in our food supply. Although eventually we’ll have videos up on site explaining how our process works, for this very first post I want to take a second to explain how you can follow each “stone” we overturn from start to finish. Thankfully it is very simple.
How to Track Our Progress
When we put a new post in the QUESTIONS section of the website, at the very start we will indicate a TAG that we’ll use to track that question from start to finish – so from Questions to Investigation to Truth. Any post we place in any of those sections will share that exact same tag, so if you click on the tag, you can pull up ALL of the posts addressing that exact question. You can also manually look for the tags in each section (Questions, Investigation, Truth) to read through our progress as well.
For this first sequence, we’re using the tag “why dig deeper”, so click that at the bottom of the post to see all posts within the “why dig deeper” sequence. Of course when we’ve just posted the question itself, there won’t be any other posts yet. We also attach the tag to any podcasts that discuss the question as well, however, and since podcast timing tends to be ahead of our posts, you can often hear the latest discussion by listening to the podcasts as well.
We do not, however, include our podcasts directly in the Questions/Investigation/Truth feeds, because they are a more open forum than our hardcore investigation. We may talk about different topics within ‘casts that aren’t going through the full research process and won’t be part of our stamped “Truth” or part of the finished film. Those tend to be a little more free-wheeling and fun, they kind of need to be since they’re often 30-60 minutes long!
Alright, so time to get The Walk a Mile Project started! This week we’re going into why we decided to start with the GMO controversy as our first phase and our first film, so it’s an important question to ask…
Why Do We Need to Dig Deeper Into GMOs?
Answering this question actually takes us way past our preliminary research and down a rabbit hole that is not a fun place to go, so be warned. There will be a lot of key facts and information thrown your way during this sequence, and it’s all just to soundly answer that big WHY question. When we’re done it will be pretty obvious to anyone who’s thinking even semi-rationally that we absolutely must look for more definitive answers than we currently have. And what you’ll see is that we’ve been down similar paths like this before, and it hasn’t ended too well.
It was not easy to comb through all the data here and to see the bad things we’ve let happen, but it’s obviously crucial that we never ignore the past – we don’t want to make the same mistakes again. When we’ve finished off this “why dig deeper” sequence, I’m 100% confident in two important things:
#1 – You’ll have a complete understanding of why we need to go down the path for better answers and more information when it comes to the GMO Controversy.
#2 – As part of our core goal to empower everyone involved here to help, you’ll have the ability to clearly communicate that understanding to anyone you talk to, who may think “Ahh, there’s nothing to see here. It’s all good!” And every person that has that ability and uses it, will be making a big difference. That’s how we work – that is The Walk a Mile Project in action.
Now in order to get crystal clear on everything, we’ll be talking mostly about Monsanto throughout this thread, because although Monsanto is by no means the only player in the GMO game today, they were most certainly the pioneers. There was a bit of a GMO arms race underway in the 1980s, and when Monsanto essentially won it with their Roundup Ready soybeans (which they actually sought authorization to market in 1994 by the way), the dawn of GMOs had officially arrived.
The whole concept of taking something as complex as genetic manipulation and putting that into our ecosystem and food supply, it’s obviously a giant endeavor and a huge responsibility. So tomorrow over in INVESTIGATION, we’ll take a look at the company that shouldered that responsibility from the start…