Glyphosate – EPA and Monsanto Clash Over a Mouse Study

It seems a little much to think that the EPA would be duped into letting a probable carcinogen slip out in such mass quantity again – that's a big part of why they were created in the first place. Unfortunately, there is reason for concern. Back in March of 1985, an EPA committee classified glyphosate as a Group C oncogen...

Glyphosate — Documenting Glyphosate Concerns

Since the World Health Organization stamped the “probably carcinogenic to humans” label on Monsanto's glyphosate, we've been researching extensively, trying to determine whether or not there truly is cause for concern. In this first phase of our investigation, we cover 5 Potential Problems...

Glyphosate Cancer Studies: Monsanto and the EPA – GMO Truth Podcast #7

Back in 1985, the EPA classified glyphosate as a Class C carcinogen, and back then the C designation meant it was considered a "possible human carcinogen." In 1991, the substance was re-classified under the E class, meaning...

Is Glyphosate Putting Us All At Risk?

Even if you haven't heard of glyphosate yet, chances are you've either used it at home (it's the active ingredient in Roundup weed killer) or you've eaten food that's been grown with a little help from it – from a glyphosate-based herbicide used in Roundup ready crops (GMOs) or as pre-harvest treatment...
